Open call for photos of trash (material, metaphorical or otherwise) from the Occupy Wall Street Movement

Dear readers,

We would like to put together a photo essay of the role of trash in the Occupy movement, from protesters being called “dirty hippies,” to the greywater system protesters set up before Zuccotti park was evicted. If you have images you own the copyright to or you have from media commons, please send to

Thank you.

#OWS October 14th before the big clean up. Photo by Samantha MacBride.

6 thoughts on “Open call for photos of trash (material, metaphorical or otherwise) from the Occupy Wall Street Movement

    • Sounds great! Is the archive open source/copy left? I notice that right now there is no tag about waste, trash, or garbage.

  1. The project has the will to share and curate the content, I do not know if they have a licenses or the people mantain their own licenses. They do not host the archive, they just redistribute-organize the content.
    We can ask about that, and also create the tag.
    It’s interesting the relationship of the movement with waste. In Barcelona the camp was evicted because they have to clean it. Classical excuse!

    • Yes, part of the impetus for this project is the rhetoric and power of “cleaning up” that both sides use.
      Thank you for starting the tag.

  2. Pingback: After Obama Deceitfully Demonized GOP For ‘Dirtier Air And Dirtier Water,’ His Occupy Movement Leaves Behind 30 TONS Of Diseased Filfth At Just ONE Site « Start Thinking Right

  3. Note: this ping back assumes that Discard Studies is a conservative forum looking for the photos of waste that the media has failed to record: “The saddest thing of all is that it was hard to find those photographs – because the dishonest media has so completely refused to do their job. I saw conservatives calling for photos documenting what the Occupy movement was really doing, because the media ISN’T doing it. The media is supposed to document reality and show us the facts; but they are so rabidly dishonest and partisan that instead they dedicate themselves to covering up stories and images they don’t want you to see while fixating on the most niggling allegations about conservatives as long as those allegations paint conservatives in a bad light.”

    Now that we have almost 300 images of how waste, rubbish, trash, filth and sanitation has been used in reference to the Occupy movement, it becomes clear that “both sides,” though of course there are many sides involved in these discussions, feel that the media is misrepresenting un/sanitation.

    This pingback will make an excellent footnote to the archive.

    Pingback: After Obama Deceitfully Demonized GOP For ‘Dirtier Air And Dirtier Water,’ His Occupy Movement Leaves Behind 30 TONS Of Diseased Filfth At Just ONE Site « Start Thinking Right – December 1, 2011

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