CFP: The Aesthetics of Dislocation – May 15

Call for Papers: The Global South 7.2 (Spring 2014)
Theme: “The Aesthetics of Dislocation”
Guest Editor: Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra

For this issue, the editors invite papers that explore the relationship
between aesthetics and place: how does the relationship to place condition
aesthetic practice, and how does a change of place alter that practice? We
are particularly interested in the figurative, literal, and affective
cartographies that emerge from large-scale political change and the loss of
“place.” Contributions should explore the semantic, epistemological,
aesthetic, and political possibilities opened up by change of
place, particularly in the context of new cultural and spatial frameworks.
Papers may focus on, for example, aesthetic production by exiles from
authoritarian regimes or failed states. “Exile” and “displacement” may be:
literal or figurative; internal or external to a given nation; political
or economic; coerced or elective. Alternately, contributions may explore
works by members of migrant communities in the global North as well as
South. Further possible topics include:

• The role of old frameworks in shaping new (figurative and literal)
• Exile, geographic dislocation, and the emergence of new kinds of
cosmopolitan (or transnational) subjects
• The role of self-imposed displacement in opening up new aesthetic or
discursive frontiers
• The representation of exile as a question of nostalgia and/or epistemic
• Exile or displacement as alternate mechanisms for the creation of world
• Translation (or translation theory), dubbing, and other forms of

The Global South is an interdisciplinary journal published by Indiana
University Press. It concentrates on the literatures and cultures of those
parts of the world that have experienced the most political, social, and
economic upheaval, and which have suffered the brunt of the greatest
challenges facing the world under globalization. Areas of interest include
Africa, Central and Latin America, much of
Asia, and those “Souths” within a larger perceived North, such as the U.S.
South, the Caribbean, and Mediterranean Europe.

This issue of The Global South is scheduled for publication at the end of
2013. Please submit abstracts (500 words) along with a short bio by May 15,
2013. Articles will be due no later than August 1, 2013. Contributions
should be 7,000 – 10,000 words long. Please send submissions and questions
to Magalí Armillas-Tiseyra at